ASVAB Arithmetic Reasoning Practice Test 1

While many students struggle with math word problems, our new Arithmetic Reasoning Test 1 is designed to give you the practice and the knowledge you need to perform well on the Arithmetic Reasoning section of the ASVAB. Featuring 16 multiple choice questions, this practice test will accurately gauge your current knowledge and every time you answer a question incorrectly you will be given the...

More About ASVAB Arithmetic Reasoning Practice Test 1 →

While many students struggle with math word problems, our new Arithmetic Reasoning Test 1 is designed to give you the practice and the knowledge you need to perform well on the Arithmetic Reasoning section of the ASVAB.

Featuring 16 multiple choice questions, this practice test will accurately gauge your current knowledge and every time you answer a question incorrectly you will be given the right answer with a full explanation – this will allow you to increase your knowledge in this important subject area.

In addition to correct answers and explanations, this practice test also offers a Progress Tracker so you always know how you are doing and unlimited retakes. Plus, each time you take the test the questions will be reordered, creating a new testing experience.

Finally, we’ve formatted this test just like the real ASVAB to get you familiar with the test taking process. So don’t delay, start taking the Arithmetic Reasoning (AR) Practice Test 1 now. Thanks to this online test you can now practice for the ASVAB from the comfort of home. Remember, once you complete the test you will be able to go back and review the questions individually so if you answered any incorrectly you can discover why.

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