If you were a good student in school, you are probably competent in basic math, science, vocabulary and paragraph analysis. But mechanical skills? That’s not something you use every day. Thankfully, Mometrix’s ASVAB study guide has one of the most challenging and thorough overviews of the mechanical knowledge you’ll need for the test. Inside, you’ll find an in-depth review of different essential topics, including an entire section devoted to assembling objects. You’ll also learn the basic physics you need to master subjects such as calculating velocity, friction and the movement of fluids. If you want a more specific explanation of a concept in the book, you can scan the video code and pull up a more advanced tutorial in Mometrix Academy. Another helpful inclusion is a review book that reminds you of common test anxieties and how to overcome them.

ASVAB Secrets Study Guide


Subject Coverage


Value for Money

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