While other military branches create line score composites to determine your eligibility for various jobs, with the Navy it is more of a case of what you see is what you get.

This means if a Navy job requires a General Science (GS), Auto & Shop (AS) and Mathematics Knowledge (MK) score of 80, the total of your scores on each of these subtests from the ASVAB would have to be 80 or above.

We’ll look at this more in-depth later but first let’s take a closer look at all your scores from the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB).

Once you’ve taken the ASVAB, you will receive a full report with your scores.

The most important score on the report is your Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) score.

This score takes into consideration how you performed on the following specific ASVAB test sections:

• Arithmetic Reasoning
• Word Knowledge
• Paragraph Comprehension
• Mathematics Knowledge

The Navy currently requires an AFQT score of at least 35 for all active duty recruits in order to qualify for enlistment. This score was raised from 31 in 2003. In fact, reserve enlistment programs still require a score of 31.

The thing to keep in mind with the AFQT score is that the better you do the more Navy career options that will be available to you. Higher scores may also qualify you for enlistment incentives, such as bonuses.

One more thing to remember when checking out your ASVAB scores on the report, the scores are expressed as percentages – but not as percentages of how many questions you answered correctly.

Instead, your ASVAB scores are an indication of how well you did on the test compared to others.

For example, if you score a 75 that means you scored as well or better than 75 percent of the men and women in your age group who took the ASVAB.

Military Requirements for Minimum ASVAB Score

Military Branch High School Diploma GED
Air Force 36 65
Army 31 50
Coast Guard 40 50
Marine Corps 32 50
National Guard 31 50
Navy 35 50

Your Subtest Scores

Now following closely behind the AFQT score in importance are your scores on each of the subtests of the ASVAB – this is because these scores are used to determine your eligibility for various jobs in the Navy.

The nine subtests are:

• General Science
• Arithmetic Reasoning
• Word Knowledge
• Paragraph Comprehension
• Mathematics Knowledge
• Electronics Information
• Auto & Shop Information
• Mechanical Comprehension
• Assembling Objects.

As we stated earlier, the Navy takes your score from each of these subtests and uses it determine what jobs you have the aptitude to perform well.

Another example would be – say a Navy job requires a score of 90 or higher on the Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension and General Science subtests. That means your combined scores on those three subtests would have to total 90 or more in order for you to qualify for that job.

If you’re wondering, the Navy only allows ASVAB retests if your previous ASVAB is expired or you failed to achieve a qualifying AFQT score for joining the Navy.

This means if there is a particular Navy job you are seeking you should take the ASVAB very seriously and practice and study as much as possible to ensure you perform well in the required subtests.

As for other education requirements, the Navy accepts very few recruits who don’t have a high school diploma.

To be considered for enlistment with a GED, you will have to score at least 50 on the AFQT.

Jobs You Qualify For

Jobs in the Navy are referred to as “Ratings”. To find the rating you qualify for, the Navy looks at your ASVAB subtest scores – different subtests for different ratings. The ASVAB subtests are: General Science (GS); Arithmetic Reasoning (AR); Word Knowledge (WK); Paragraph Comprehension (PC); Auto and Shop Information (AS); Mathematics Knowledge (MK); Mechanical Comprehension (MC); Electronics Information (EI); and Sum of Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension (VE).

Note: The data presented in the table below and is subject to change.  You should use this list as a general guide on how the Navy uses ASVAB scores to determine job selection.

ABE Aviation Boatswain’s Mate – Equipment AR+MC+AS=130
ABF Aviation Boatswain’s Mate – Fuels AR+MC+AS=130
ABH Aviation Boatswain’s Mate – Handling AR+MC+AS=130
AC Air Traffic Controlman AR+2MK+GS=210
AD Aviation Machinist Mate AR+MK+EI+GS=190
AE Aviation Electronics Mate AR+MK+EI+GS=218
AG Aviation Aerographer’s Mate VE+MK+GS=165
AK Aviation Storekeeper VE+AR=103
AME Aviation Structural Mechanic – Equipment AR+MC+AS=164
AMH Aviation Structural Mechanic – Hydraulics AR+MC+AS=164
AMS Aviation Structural Mechanic – Structures AR+MC+AS=164
AO Aviation Ordnanceman AR+MK+EI+GS=190
AS Aviation Support Equipment Technician AR+2MK+GS=200
AT Aviation Electronics Technician AR+MK+EI+GS=218, and MK+EI+GS=156
AW Aviation Antisubmarine Warfare Technician AR+2MK+GS=196
AZ Aviation Maintenance Administrationman VE+AR=103
BM Boatswain’s Mate N/A
BU Builder AR+MC+AS=140
CE Construction Electrician AR+MK+EI+GS=200
CM Construction Mechanic AR+MC+AS=158
CTA Cryptologic Technician – Administration VE+MK=105
CTI Cryptologic Technician – Interperative VE+MK+GS=150
CTM Cryptologic Technician – Maintenance MK+EI+GS+AR=218, MK+EI+GS=156, MK=57, and AR=57
CTO Cryptologic Technician – Communications VE+AR=103
CTR Cryptologic Technician – Collection VE+AR=110
CTT Cryptologic Technician – Technical VE+MK+GS=165
DC Damage Controlman VE+MC+AS=158
DK Disbursing Clerk VE+AR=105
DM Draftsman N/A
DT Dental Technician VE+MK+GS=149, and VE+MK+CS=153
EA Engineering Aid AR+2MK+GS=210
EM Electricians Mate AR+2MK+GS=196
EM Electricians Mate (Nuclear Field) VE+AR+MK+MC+NAPT >or=290 AND NAPT >or=50 or AR+MK+EI+GS+NAPT >or=290 AND NAPT >or=50 or AR+MK+EI+GS >or=252 or VE+AR+MK+MC >or=252
EN Engineman MK+AS=96
EN Engineman (Advanced Technical Field) AR+MK+EI+GS=210
EO Equipment Operator AR+MK+EI+GS=204
ET Electronics Technician AR+MK+EI+GS=218 and MK+EI+GS=156 and MK=57 and AR=57
ET Electronics Technician (Nuclear) VE+AR+MK+MC+NAPT >or=290 AND NAPT >or=50 or AR+MK+EI+GS+NAPT >or=290 AND NAPT >or=50 or AR+MK+EI+GS >or=252 or VE+AR+MK+MC >or=252
ET Electronics Technician (Submarine) AR+MK+EI+GS=222 or VE+AR+MK+MV=222
EW Electronic Warfare Technician VE+MK+GS=165
EW Electronic Warfare Technician (Advanced Electronics Field) AR+MK+EI+GS=218 and MK+EI+GS=156 and MK=57 and AR=57
FC Fire Controlman (Advanced Electronics Field) AR+MK+EI+GS=218 and MK+EI+GS=156 and MK=57 and AR=57
FT Fire Control Technician (Submarine) AR+MK+EI+GS=222 or VE+AR+MK+MV=222
GM Gunner’s Mate AR+MK+EI+GS=204
GSE Gas Turbine Systems Technician – Electrical AR+MK+EI+GS=204
GSM Gas Turbine Systems Technician – Mechanical AR+MK+EI+GS=204
GSM Gas Turbine Systems Technician – Mechanical (Advanced Technical Field) AR+MK+EI+GS=210
HM Hospital Corpsman VE+MK+GS=149
HT Hull Technician VE+MC+AS=158
HT Hull Technician (Advanced Technical Field) AR+MK+EI+GS=212
IC Interior Communicationman AR+MK+EI+GS=212
IS Intelligence Specialist VE+AR=103
IT Information System Technician VE+MK+CS=163 or VE+MK=110
JO Journalist VE+AR=110
LI Lithographer VE+AR=103
MA Master at Arms WK+AR=100: Minimum WK=45
MM Machinist Mate MK+AS=96
MM Machinist Mate (Nuclear Field) VE+AR+MK+MC+NAPT >or=290 AND NAPT >or=50 or AR+MK+EI+GS+NAPT >or=290 AND NAPT >or=50 or AR+MK+EI+GS >or=252 or VE+AR+MK+MC >or=252
MM Machinist Mate (Submarine) VE+AR+MK+MC=210
MN Mineman VE+MC+AS=158
MR Machinary Repairman AR+MC+AS=158
MS Mess Specialist VE+AR=89
MS Mess Specialist (Submarine) AR+MK+EI+GS=200 or VE+AR+MK+MC=200
MT Missile Technician (Advanced Electronics Field) AR+MK+EI+GS=222 or VE+AR+MK+MC=222
MU Musician N/A
OS Operations Specialist VE+MK+CS=157 -OR- AR+2MK+GS=210
PC Postal Clerk VE+AR=108
PH Photographer’s Mate VE+AR=103
PN Personnelman VE+MK=105 -OR- VE+MK+CS=157
PR Aircrew Survival Equpmentman VE+MC+AS=158
QM Quartermaster VE+AR=97
RP Religious Program Specialist VE+MK=105 -OR- VE+MK+CS=157
SH Ship’s Serviceman VE+AR=96
SK Storekeeper VE+AR=103
SK Storekeeper (Submarines) AR+MK+EI+GS=200 -OR- VE+AR+MK+MC=200
SM Signalman VE+MK+CS=147 -OR- AR+2MK+GS=190
SN Seaman (Submarine) AR+MK+EI+GS=200 -OR- VE+AR+MK+MC=200
STG Sonar Technician – Surface AR+MK+EI+GS=218 and MK+EI+GS=156 and MK=57 and AR=57
STS Sonar Technician (Submarine) AR+MK+EI+GS=222 -OR- VE+AR+MK+MV=222
SW Steelworker VE+MC+AS=140
TM Torpedoman’s Mate AR+2MK+GS=196
UT Utilitiesman AR+MK+EI+GS=200
YN Yeoman VE+MK=105, -OR- VE+MK=CS=157
YN Yeoman (Submarine) AR+MK+EI+GS=200 -OR- VE+AR+MK+MC=200
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